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Charlotte Henwood: Curatorial Consultant

Henry VIII cellar exhibition  

Task - to provide a visually exciting and informative permanent exhibition in reception area around an ancient monument

Solution - suitable images sourced (reflecting hostiry of the local area). Reproduction rights negotiated and acquired. Historical research undertaken. Resulting words and images combined and reproduced on exhibitionquality panels - the whole installed with technical assistance of local facilities managers

Open House, Whitehall  

Task - to provide information boards and crowd management signage visually consistent with a major listed building open to public access for annual event. In doing so, to combine the transmission of historical and artistic information with the H&S aspects of facilitating visitors' experiences while ensuring the safety of the works of art

Solution - Research conducted on all the major paintings and architectural features. High-quality photography sourced. The whole presented on exhibition-quality boards. Talks given to visitors. Crows management undertaken in conjunction with local facilities managers and security advisors.